Proceed to Internship

Assalamualaikum Wbt, Hi gang wassup long time no see 👀 . Okay now I'm officially done with semester 5. Its like walking through the Hell this semester. Allah bless me, I barely make it out. Nearly quit actually because of small problems that we have causes it by ourselves but nvm, nobody perfect. I really love all of my friends from my group members and all the DUPians actually. We actually deserve a gold medal that we actually facing a great great problem from ourselves, members, and lecturers. Kesabaran, sabar itu kan indah but please everybody jangan keep it up by urself, I mean the problems. It can broke you inside and out actually, okay for me its difficult. Because if I have any problems with my friends, I wont tell my families. Yelah family aku kenal semua kawan aku, takkan la aku nak cerita dekat family pasai the bad side of my friends. Sebab for me, aku nak berkawan kawan yang boleh buat macam kawan yang boleh kawan until we can tells our great-grandchildren. For me, a...